Thursday, June 11, 2015


Today was our last day of volunteering :( we finished our project though! So now the crèche (day care/orphanage) has a suitable toilet! Now the little kids won't have to continue to use training toilets behind the building every time they have to go to the bathroom. We were all reluctant to finish because we didn't want our volunteer experience to be over. It was a relief to have it finished, but very bittersweet. It was a great feeling to watch the little kids go stand on the decks and check it out! Saying goodbye to the kids, and listening to them say see you tomorrow was heart breaking. All of us would love to stay in Cinsta for another two weeks, but we know the adventure tour will be amazing. 
For dinner we had a Brie, or BBQ, with Mila, Kwezi, Thondi, and their kids. We had sausage called breehorn, chicken, pork chops, stuffed potatoes, and garlic bread. It was a great way to sit as a family one more time before our group moves on to the rest of our trip. I don't even want to think about saying our goodbyes tomorrow. I will be returning to Cinsta again in my lifetime. 

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