Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Xhosa Lesson

Tobs (a VA 32 leader) gave us a lesson in Xhosa, the language spoken in the Eastern Cape where we are. It is completely different than English. It has a few different kinds of clicks, and other sounds that are difficult for me to even make. The easiest words that I remember are Molo (hello), and en cosi (thank you). It is a combination of a few different kinda of languages. Xhosa is very difficult because the letters are not pronounced the same, and different combinations are the clicks, or other sounds. For example, whenever there is "hl" in a word, you make a noise that I can only describe as "flem". (Come on, you get what I mean) 
I'm excited to start learning more of the words, and being able to (hopefully) speak to the children. 
Just for fun, here's a picture of me with the extremely high tide tonight. 

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